

"Ennui, felt on the proper occasions, is a sign of intelligence"

Clifton Fadiman



I really like decorating. Forrest, too. I think he'd like to remodel again so he could have some more rooms to decorate.

Tonight we were invited to a reception for the guest artists performing in Austin Lyric Opera's Don Gionvanni. It was at a home decorated in a mostly American Southwestern style with a bit of China and Africa as well. The house belongs to our friends Anne and Les. That's an image of their bar you see featured today with the Southwestern colors in the glassware reflected in the mirrors. Great party. And I can't wait to see the opera.

I did battle with some of my many computers today. Software flakiness, WEB sites and software that are supposed to be helping one control the madness crashing themselves. One has to laugh.

I got a haircut today. Jane has found a new love interest. This puts the loyal customers of A Barber Shoppe in a nervous state, afraid she will shut down and leave us.