
July 27, 2001

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out of place, out of time





My morning ritual is changed by bacon. My day usually begins with shower, teeth brushing, hair geling and drying with a bit of watching network TV on a small TV in the bathroom. FFP brings me the elixir of Capresso in the bathroom. Today FFP fried some bacon. He often eats some toast or fruit. But today he makes bacon which he rarely does. He offers me some. I eat a couple of slices after getting ready and sorting myself out in the home office before going to the office office.

There's a déjà vu to the day. Because someone I worked with long ago might come back to my company. And just because things go round and round in this world. There has been so much change. But so little.

Work is calm with an undercurrent of change and excitment. Hot dog lunch is served for a project. I eat a hotdog and some queso and a brownie. Not a good diet going today!

In the evening we meet some friends at WINK. WINK is aglow. Happening. The place is packed by 6:45. It's tiny but from the crowd and who is in the crowd (arts folks, wine aficionados), it's obvious this is a most happening place. Our friends are late but they've called the place. Their lateness makes the folks nervous. They must have a lot of reservations.

We have some expensive and tasty Vouvray. We order a salad. We get a free snapper dish because a waiter messed up.

Our guests show up, not all that late (fifteen minutes). We order some foie gras (yummy) and sweetbread ravioli (I got a bite of FFP's---also yumyy) and different things. And a Pinot. Then everyone has dessert. But me. I have a glass of Sauterne.

We are finished early. We go home and watch Dr. Strangelove. For the umpteenth time. And I read a few newspapers.




snapper at WINK


"Think of how arrogantly we deal with time, as we infer that the ability to track its increments gives us the power to manipulate its unimaginable totality."

Owen Edwards, Running Out, an article in the Forbes ASAP, November 1998


Our time here is short, isn't it? Do typos matter? Does typing?


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