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February 21, 2000








We are individuals but with family molded around us. There really aren't that many loners. If one doesn't have a family, one invents one.

Forrest put up a couple more pictures of the Swearingen clan on a page he made for that. (I keep trying to get him to learn the tools so he can put stuff on the page at will. I think he'll soon do it. I don't do anything complicated and am able to express myself and at a reasonable bandwidth for most readers. I use Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photo Deluxe, Adobe ImageReady, a Nikon AX110 scanner and a Kodak DC-120 digital camera. Sure, I know about pixels and angle brackets and hex codes for colors but most of the time I don't worry about it...I just express myself.)

My parents arrive for a visit today. To look at the house, I propose they live in. So I guess I've been thinking about family a lot. Becausee Forrest is taking an interest in relatives inspired by Robert and Jessamin. Because I have a new grand nephew. Because my niece Jenny, the redhead, now has Jack with, I'm told, a full head of black hair. Jenny is 100% my niece but is, in fact, adopted. So the baby also has another chain of relations he'll probably never know. (Jenny and my sister and brother-in-law have looked but not found.)

Most of the time, I don't think much about family. Family members bob in and out just like the panoply of friends. They are special and the bonds are tighter sometimes but that's it. But I seem awash in family events and family issues just now.

I told Forrest's 'cousin' Robert, "Isn't it amazing how quickly people are forgotten when they die? Even by their family." The tumbled headstones in the Graves area of a cemetery in McKinney come to mind. When I saw that, I thought I should send money to fix it up. But I haven't.

I have found the best way to change things is to just start doing things a little differently. As if you've always done so.

I like work. It's just that it keeps me from other things I think I will like more.

Why is a personal style so important to me? On the one hand I want to 'fit in' and to disappear. On the other, I want to stand out a little as distinctly me. I think this is human nature.

I finished reading 'Anne Frank, Diary of a Young Girl, The Definitive Edition.' When it ends so abruptly, it is shocking. Writing a journal was a salvation for Anne. Of course, it didn't save her.


"The pride in ancestory increase in the ratio of distance."

George William Curtis, Prue and I



through the ages



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