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March 18, 2000







dreary saturday

It was tempting to abandon eXtreme dog walking. I light drizzle feel from a completely gray sky. How were we to tell Zoey and Chalow no, however, when they were already in the CR-V? Onward to Hyde Park which we call our 'bad weather neighborhood.'

We parked in our usual spot just off 43rd in front of a vacant lot. We think someone may be preparing to build there. They've cleared the brush a little and removed the antique iron fence.

Just to break things up we went on the other side of Duvall and over to Red River. We walked all the way around the golf course. We actually went down some streets which we hadn't covered before.

Had breakfast tacos at Julio's. That little corner with Quackenbush, Fresh Plus, Mother's, Julio's, Dolce Vita and the laundromat is hopping on a Saturday morning.

We had some Chinese over at Forrest's newly discovered cousin Robert's house and met his son, daughter and daughter's friend. The gals are here from New York.

Then Robert and the girls came by here to see the emerging garden. Forrest decided to garden berfore our evening event (the sun had decided to make an appearance).

We went to the HRCF black tie event at Four Seasons. We put together a table. Great company: Robert; Tom (owns Fonda San Miguel) and his office assistant; Anne, American Airlines Austin Marketing rep; Stephen Mills, artistic director of Ballet Austin and his date; other ballet folks.

Of course, we knew about half of the other people at the party. A huge group of smartly dressed folks. I was waiting for some of our table mates and watching the parade of SXSW folks and folks headed to the party was delightful. Neither group seemed surprised by me standing there in my tuxedo. Some thought I was there expressly to direct them to the ballroom or cafe. Which was easy when they looked confused. Jeans and band shirts, left. Tuxedos or formal dreses, right.

This tree in Austin's Hyde Park always fascinates me. Photo taken on a day when one could push some blue from the sky. (Not this morning. But I did walk by this tree this morning.)



"The beginnings and endings of all human undertakings are untidy, the building of a house, the writing of a novel, the demolition of a bridge, and eminently, the finish of a voyage."

John Galsworthy, Over the River








a tree grows in Hyde Park



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