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March 28, 2000






walks and drinks

OK, it was cloudy but it was still spring and I still didn't want to go to work. But I did. I blame my refusal to go to work earlier on the Capresso machine's return, too. I'm thoroughly and hopelessly addicted again.

So, OK, I left early to go for a dog walk. We (the dog walking team) walked to Allandale and back. On the way out the front door, Chalow was pulling and I got my hand caught on the storm door and the leash handle and it hurt. No permanent damage, just sore. For nine, she sure gets excited, my dog. Then a bird dropped on my head during the walk (I'm not kidding). It was one of those days that requires a sense of humor. Fortunately, I had one.


Then I went to Fonda and met Will, one of the distant cousins Forrest is socializing with of late, and Forrest for a drink. Had a couple of glasses of wine and some bits of snacks. Will's dad, Robert, had a single bypass heart surgery today. (Did you even know people had singles? I thought those things always came in multiples.)

A tall, beautiful woman came into the bar.

I know her, she is going to say 'hello' to me.

She does look familar, but...

We met Karen at a wine tasting. She remembered and was very friendly. She did, indeed, say 'hello' to Forrest first. She is an engineer.


We saw Emily Tracy, too, with some friends of hers. She says Lukas is making a record. (I guess you don't really make 'records' anymore, huh? CD.)


When we left Fonda, there was a pretty new Rolls Royce outside. Illegally parked. If the legally-parked cars didn't back out carefully, well, can you imagine writing a note on the windshield.

"I'm sorry, I hit your illegally-parked Rolls while backing my conservative Honda out of the parking place. Here is my insurance information. I'm sure the repairs will equal my net worth."

This is Austin today. Illegally-parked luxury cars. The town is bleeding money. Fonda was hopping with customers. And it's expensive. And it was Tuesday!


I didn't mean to imply Forrest should write a journal. The beauty of the WEB is that you can do what you want and no one can stop you. Nothing is an option, too.


In looking for journals, sometimes I take a random selection from a ring. I like random things. I've quit playing the lottery. Hollywood Henderson won a big Texas jackpot. Good for him...he's already famous.


Planning this trip to New York has made me realize how connected I feel to New York in spite of the relatively small amount of time I've actually spent there. I've been in New York (Manhattan):


a few days in the 70's (but I had to work twelve hours a day)

the better part of the work weeks and some weekends in the summer of '86

twenty-three hours in 1997

In spite of this relatively small experience with the island, Manhattan is in my heart.

Possible reasons include the New York slant to the media I read. New York Times every day. The New Yorker every week (almost) for thirty-eight years or so. (I started reading it when I could 'borrow' it off the newstand during my working hours at the college bookstore. Often got so fascinated with an issue that I had to spring for the fifty cents. It was about an hour's wage but I got a discount and I got to pay for it at the end of the month!) We have also taken other New York media. Right now Forrest is getting Time Out. And a magazine about Cabaret music in New York.

Of the thousands of books around here, I've actually read a few. Here at the New Yorker by Brendan Gill. A biography of Harold Ross. Genius in Disguise. I think there are several other New York and New Yorker books around I haven't read yet.

What is it with this fascination? Oh, yeah, and two of my favorite movies are Manhattan and Mrs. Parker and Her Vicious Circle.








"Je suis content et je suis heureux, puisque je crois l'κtre."

Alain-Renι Lesage, Histoire de Gil Bals de Santillane




fonda face

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