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April 14, 2000






life's illusions

It's just a series of impressions. It's not winning or losing or getting the right marketing message. It's a slide show.

The picture illusion of yesterday still has me saying , "Whoa." Forrest had a dream about August 1, 1966. He told me tonight that he thinks less than $1000 was raised for Whitman's victims.

There are reminders of the things that have happened in the last few months that one stumbles over. A picture in the guest bathroom bought at a benefit for someone who was paralyzed in a tragic accident. A reference here, a dream there, some ribbons and flowers, illusions all.

Should be getting ready for the party. Instead, we go to Fonda, have drinks and snacks in the bar. Oh, well...tomorrow is also a day.

In the parking lot we see a couple. They greet us warmly. As we get in the car, I asked where we know them. Neither of us remembers.

Fonda San Miguel restaurant in our neighborhood is beautiful although expensive. But what does the cost matter in the town that bleeds money? Not even a day with precipitous slides in the stock market and Dell losing a goodly percent could dampen this town's ethusiasm for spending in bars and restaurants.

We always take reading material to restaurants.

There was the most remarkable piece in LA Magazine, profiling a bunch of people living on one street in a suburb of L.A.

Tomorrow will be fun, but being a hostess is always hard.

Has anyone else in Austin (or anywhere else?) seen the latest hustle for money using guys who surely aren't really firemen? Our city wouldn't let firemen risk their lives and motorists and collect money in their rubber boots. Would they? If so, shame. I think it's a scam, though, like the 'nurses.' Doesn't matter, I shall not give on the street where the collectors cause a traffic hazard, no matter how righteous the cause.

Life has a funny way of evening things out.








"I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all."

Joni Mitchell , Both Sides Now



the place for Friday night

restaurants are for reading

call to dinner


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