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April 16, 2000






take a drug if you must

I really knew yesterday morning that something wasn't right. A bit of an upset stomach. As I mentioned in yesterday's entry, I ended up pretty rocky at the end of the evening.

I didn't sleep well. I was up and down but I kept thinking...I'll get better now. In just a minute. About seven this morning I took some Immodium and some Pepto and then some Advil. We got up and finished rearranging our furniture. Laurie came over to take down stuff and clean up. I had some coffee and some Echinecea tea. This makes me feel lots better but just a little fragile. I had looked forward all week to a dog walk this morning. Now I've missed another one.

The party was very nice and I wish I could have enjoyed it even more which I could have if I hadn't been feeling ill and if it hadn't been my party. I'm not great at being a hostess. I mean, well, I'm a great hostess (in my own mind anyway) but being the hostess greatly distracts me from enjoying the party. But I give the kind of party that I would like to attend. Some entertainment, good food, good drinks, something interesting to look at.

Of course, I don't think the food was good enough or in short enough supply that some guests should have had their heads down in their food instead of watching the dancers. I don't get it. Pete and Harry gave them some nice snacks. They couldn't have been starving. Oh, well, those of us who watched saw a great performance. The Johnson/Long Dance Company is comprised of such great folks and they gave this performance for nothing and they were good party guests after that. Great bunch.

Memo to people who come to see an entertainment, even one they paid to see: common courtesy requires that you pay some attention. If you have your back to the performers and your face in the food, we aren't convinced. I suppose when people pay and it's a benefit, they feel they can do what they please. But I think some courtesy is still owed. We spent a lot to get the atmosphere, cater fine food. It's our home. Hey, and a 'thank you' wouldn't hurt either even though you paid. That money went to the opera.

OK, Ms. Grumpy, get off of it. We've decided to spend less on this kind of largesse anyway so we will be, in the next year, blowing this money on our own meals and entertainments, probably being rude ourselves. Memo to self: remember memos to others when in others' territory.

I am also a little shocked at the amount of wine this group consumed even after Pete and Harry served them drinks. Fifteen bottles of white wine and something over a case of red. The recyclying dudes will be shocked.

John Bailey is back. I'm glad as are many others, I'm sure.

What is it about journalers and cats? I don't have cats but, since journaling, find myself taking cat pictures. Go figure.

Nancy put a link on her page to mine. I saw some traffic from that. Scary. (What is it about me and Nancys? I'm going to write a screenplay entitled 'The Nancys.') Nancy wrote me a nice e-mail, too. I really like her words and pictures.

Spent some great hours outside on the chaise lounge this afternoon. Reading the paper. New York Times Magazine wrote about the Gates foundation. Health care has some great causes. I think I'd give some to cultural things, too. Supposedly giving that much money is a great burden. I guess. At my level, giving is pretty easy. There is no shortage of causes but then the whole world isn't telling me what to do.

My work colleagues from Germany came over this evening and we had a coke in the garden. Then we went down to Four Seasons and sat on the patio and dined and drank some Saintsbury Chardonnay. My German buddies also had iced tea. I find this amusing because they'd never have this in Germany. They have come to like it when visiting here. They enjoy a nice espresso after the meal, though. As do I.








"Better use medicines at the outset than at the last moment."

Publilius Syrus, Maxim



dancing (this was the performance they had on workman costumes)


view while sitting in the garden

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