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April 20, 2000






style on thursday

I had a couple of meetings at work. The type that make me think, "What can I possibly do to make this better without risking making it worse?" Most of the time I think of something. I'm not always right about being able to do anything let alone anything in the 'at least do no harm' category.

It's a tough business. It's like floating down a river to reach other places where rewards await. You know how far away (as the crow flies) that you need to go to each one. What you don't know is how to find a boat, how the river turns (no maps to the future) or where the alligators are hiding. Other than that, it's easy. And all the managers have Microsoft Project Gantt charts which, smoothing over these minor details, predict the exact days for code complete, QA complete, release to marketing and GA. Not only that. They know the revenue effect in the first year.

It's not that I don't think you have to guess these things and put them down. You do.


I know many of you are waiting expectantly to hear about my poison ivy (no?) and maybe even get another picture. It's about the same. It hurts in pricks and waves and then stops for long periods. Other than my neck, there seems to be for now only one other spot. It is around my rib cage and it is a small stripe about two inches long and less than a half inch wide. Go figure. This other spot hurts and itches (it's more like a prickly feeling...poison ivy only itches IF you scratch it) on its own schedule.


I have a theory about WEB journals and their role for other people (not the ones who produce them). Like all diairies and journals produced in the past, they represent a slice of life that other writings, even memoirs and history, don't embrace.

Such works which are updated daily invest daily life with importance. People record what they ate, their minor illnesses, small seemingly insignificant conversations. It is personal archaeology on the WEB. One day in the future any of the bits perserved could be mined for 'the way we lived.' I even believe that photos are taken that would not otherwise be taken. For example, Nancy only took this one to illustrate something that happened in her day.

That happens to me, too. I mean, what are the odds that I would have photographed the rash without this diary?

Of course, security cameras and WEB cameras leave a trail of impressions that may still be lost but may be downloaded somewhere. I once had a dream that I was watching a WEB cam of a stairway in Toronto (why Toronto? I've no idea). Someone fell down the stairs. It was a long, long straight stairway, with no turns or landings. I wanted to call someone, but I also wanted to think someone closer to Toronto than Austin, Texas was also watching.


Tonight we went to a reception for the board and major donors of the Zachary Scott Theater Center. For those of you who don't know: Zach Scott was an Austinite.

The reception was held in a new furniture and art gallery on W. 6th behind called Spazio. Their WEB site isn't really up and running to do them justice or I'd link to them. Lots of beautiful, mostly modern and expensive furniture. All arranged in a spacious gallery with white paint, a calm concrete floor and beautiful rugs and panels of white cloth to set off the arrangements. They will thrive as long as Dellionaires are building and furnishing houses with square footage approaching (and in some cases exceeding) five figures. I bought something rather large a few weeks ago at Smith and Hawken. The woman said large stuff was flying out of the store for all the large houses.

"We didn't see too much stuff like this growing up in Ft. Stockton," said a locally well-known and successful man wearing a fashionable outfit in smart materials.


We went to the bar at the Four Seasons hotel after the event. I didn't take a camera along today so I had to resort to a picture from last night's wine dinner.

The bar wasn't busy. Maybe people were busy with Passover or were taking off for Easter. We had lots of attention from the staff, consumed some good wine and some snacks and listened to Rebecca play.

One of the waitpersons complained that her car was broken and the cab ride had cost $14 to get to work. It made me feel guilty about buying a $10 glass of wine. So we bought a bottle. And, I'm not sure but I think Forrest gave the gal a little extra tip in cash.

Slumber comes easy (even to the itchy person) after wine.










"The original style is not the style which never borrows from any one, but that which no other person is capable of reproducing."


"The original writer is not he who refrains from imitating others, but he who can be imitated by none."

Franēois René de Chateaubriand, The Genuis of Christianity

"L'écrivain orignial n'est pas celui qui n'imite personne,, mais celui que personne peut imiter."



the venison course is served (Wednesday's wine dinner)



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