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April 26, 2000






a beautiful day in the neighborhood

When I heard a stray bark from next door, I went outside. But I didn't see the dog. Believe me, we are watching VERY CLOSELY. These neighbors with the killer dog that they've been so careless with are going to be watched. I think they will do the right thing because there is lots of neighborhood pressure. If we hadn't SEEN their dog attacking, I think they'd deny it and go on.

Chalow is on the mend. We watched her carefully today. I worked from home in the morning while Forrest did some business. She likes to stay close by us, but that's not really different than normal. She likes the taste of her pills and her pain drops. She is eating. She wags her tail. Since we have to let the puncture wounds stay open, we are following her around the house with old towels but still the house will probably look like a crime scene in a few days because I haven't the heart to make her move if she decides to not lay down on the towel I offer. She slept through the night in our bed on a bunch of towels.


One of the Nancys is going in for some surgery so we had a send off lunch. Going out 'with the girls' is a pleasure.

This kind of surgery is a rite of passage at our age. Of course, I had a big surgery at 22 and have avoided any big surgeries since.


Work was OK. I didn't get everything I needed to get done.

One of the managers:
Are you going to the meeting in the morning?

It's mandatory.

The manager (OK, he's a director):
I know, but are you going?


OK, he's a director (so young):
Is Shawn going?

I don't know, it's a required meeting.

Yes, but is he going?

Director and Me:

The meeting is in a movie theater. Hmmm...I've been wanting to see several movies. But, no, I think we are going to watch a meeting on a movie screen. Without popcorn.


I've been reading more journals. There is something about journals and cats. Steve of Late Night Snacks has lovely cat photos. (See this entry. There is also a cool photo of a melted chocolate bunny. And the next entry illustrates my contention that journals cause digital photos to be snapped that wouldn't otherwise every be formed into pixels. Why else would you photograph what's in your desk drawer?


The journal makes you take a hard look at your life and what is interesting about it.


It was a nice day and the yard looked beautiful but it was all tempered by concern for Chalow and the sadness of having neighbors you can neither trust nor like. And will be on to the next crisis. That's life.

But, as today's quote says, one loves without reason and so can hate without reason. I think we often find reasons that we THINK account for our hatreds. If the neighbors remove the immediate source of my irritation (killer dog) then I will go on being indifferent to them. A much easier emotion.


We were told through the neighborhood grapevine that the killer dog was put down. Sad, but a comfort to us. I was terrified she would get Chalow again when I wasn't cautious enough.

We left her alone for an hour and had dinner at Fonda with SuRu.

The whole experience has made us weary. And wary. Everything is so fragile.









"On aime sans raison, et sans raison l'on hait."

Jean-Franηois Regnard, Les Folies amoureuses



extreme dog walking team souvenir...we won't have Chalow for a while...sigh



















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