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May 8, 2000






i'm going home

I don't think you can have so much fun that it isn't a relief to go home in a way. Also, we'd been exchanging phone calls and e-mails with the Chalow-sitter, Gayle. Chalow got a bunch of swelling in her shoulder, a result of being shaken by the big dog who attacked her. The vet had been concerned this might occur. Gayle took her to the vet, they installed drains and Gayle had been dressing her in T-shirts with sanitary napkins taped inside to catch the drainage. She had purchased childrens T-shirts and altered them to fit her short legs and body. Gayle assured us she was improving and feeling much better, but we still worried.

We'd planned to leave the city for La Guardia two hours before our flight and got up and leisurely packed and showered and dressed and ate room service, steeling ourselves for the joy of air travel. I was sitting there sipping coffee and looking at The New York Times when I realized that the funeral for the Cardinal would be today. All these politicians were coming to town. Hmm...could this cause traffic to prevent our quick exit? The concierge was not encouraging. OK, we don't need to miss our plane. So quickly we called and changed the car service appointment to an earlier time, packed up and went to spend some extra quality time at La Guardia.

Actually, it wasn't too bad. We got our luggage checked at the curb, got boarding cards and sat and read and ate some snacks and drank water. The plane finally got loaded. We were off for the hills of home, our bumpkin adventure in the city over.

Another concourse scamper in Houton and we made the final leg, got our bags, grabbed a cab and called Gayle to bring our baby home.

We were most relieved to see her. Gayle showed us how she'd been dressing her in the little T-shirts and cleaning the drain. Fun, huh? Still she looked cute with the little sleeves basted up in rakish rolls, looking like she needed a little Chalow-sized pack of cigarettes. The fact that the T-shirts Gayle had grabbed in Walgreen's were Texas souvenirs also gave her a sporty look. I'll be glad, though, when she can just go back to being a fuzzy doggy.






"I am quite sure that he thinks that I am God---
Since he is God on whom each one depends
For life and all things that His bounty sends---
My dear old dog, most constant of all friends

Willaim Croswell Doane, Cluny



Chalow models the latest dog fashion

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