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May 10, 2000






talk, talk

For the serious fan who hangs on my every word...I've been going back and correcting errors and omissions. Even added one picture. More to come. Maybe.

I have a problem with the truth. I want to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I said Sixth Avenue when it was Seventh. Yikes, this is terrible! But I know the truth doesn't exist. The journal tortures me trying to tell the story I want to tell without mistakes. But truth is an elusive commodity. A subjective thing. I know this. It doesn't help to know it. When I try to write fiction, I have the same reaction. I know I can make it up but where should it be true?

I did a dry run of a marketing presentation that I have to give today. It went OK, I thought, but what do I know? Should have put the thing together sooner and not figured I could take someone else's piece and just be the talking head. We were at the last minute dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's. But I got the message I wanted in my head which is important. In contrast, the presentation I'm giving in the actual conference has been finished forever and I gave a couple of dry runs months ago so now...I don't even remember the presentation! Better run through it again!


I ate lunch in the office after walking over to the grocery store for some stuff. I listened to other people practice presentations. Ho hum.


I came home and FFP made his chicken breast sandwiches. Dull day? Maybe, but in an odd way, satisfying.








"La vιritι est un flambeau qui luit dans le brouillard sans le dissiper."

"Truth is a torch that gleams throught the fog without dispelling it."

Claude-Adrien Helviticus, De l'esprit



safe spot to keep my eye on Mom

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