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July 4, 2000

"If it were felt that the free development of individuality is one of the leading essentials of well-being; that it is not only a coordinate element with all that is designated by the terms civilisation, instruction, education, culture, but is itself a necessary part and condiiton of all those things; there would be no danger that liberty should be undervalued."

John Stuart Mill, On Liberty


tree grows in Hyde Park...around the fence

graffiti in Hyde Park

traffic-calming circle

Hyde Park art





happy birthday, U.S.A

I am tired of that other color. I like gray. Don't you? No? Tough. Freedom, individuality. All that stuff.

Hyde Park dog walk today. We go over there after I've only had one cuppa. So the team let's me get a Café au Lait at Quakenbush before we start. It's tricky managing the dog when you can't change hands. Then it's over from H to Guadalupe. Down a block, back, down a bit more and...everyone's tired so we go back to Quack. Only make a mile and a half, maybe two. Darla Johnson is there at Quack's. I thought she lived in one of our other walkie neighborhoods: South Congress (not SoCo...I won't do that).. Landlady decided she wanted to live in her house, she says. So she's living in a garage apartment in Hyde Park.

I go home and shower and sort the laundry. Maid day, but suspect they are celebrating their freedom though they haven't said so. I decide to add to Forrest's discarded clothing and clean out a few drawers of my own. I toss a pile of T-shirts that are a little small or whatever. I give one XXL one to Dad and he demonstrates that it fits by putting it over his shirt. Why don't I do this more often? Because it's a pain.

SuRu brings the big black poodle Zoey over to stay in the Zen garden while she goes to work. A few minutes later we see her at the back door. She's leaped over a four-foot fence. Hmmm. A little later I notice that she isn't at the door. I yell for her. She comes. Fortunately she hasn't just left the yard. Then a little later I notice she isn't at the back door and she doesn't come when I call. Oops. I rush out the front door and glance around. There she is in the Zen garden, sniffing around. She's jumped back in there. Either to get a drink from the water bowl we put there or to sniff around for her Mommy who left her there. I laugh and leave her there. She's back at the back door in a few minutes and the yard men are coming so I let her in, put a leash on her and she follows me the rest of the day, usually sleeping with the end of the leash around my foot. She's too big a dog to let loose in our house. She is pretty calm most of the day. I guess jumping fences was tiring.

I watch some Wimby or at least listen while I fool with my projects.

Mom says, about one of her friend's e-mail address, "I think it's dot com." Actually, when she finds it, it is She doesn't understand much about the computer. Try teaching people things you do now from muscle memory. "This is the scroll bar." "Left this button."

SuRu retrieves her dog and has a drink with us. We watch some of the "Who Wants to be Embarrassed on National TV Trying to Get a Million Dollars Before Taxes" reruns. Mom likes the show. FFP watches something else in the living room.

A slow and easy day. Plenty of time to fool with my color scheme, read magazines and generally be worthless. Ever jealous of other people's cute names for their journals, I think I've come up with something. We'll see...





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