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August 1, 2000

"Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better."

Richard Hooker

wrong way to hold the glass, LB...wait, isn't it empty???








Things change, don't they?

Work reminded me that as much and truly as things change, the more the issues remain the same.

I was thinking today: "Only crazy people walk." Well, no offense. But it's hot. And people you see going any distance are, well, they seem, um a bit distracted and not maybe exactly all there. I was thinking this because I saw one of our neighborhood 'worthies' (it's a term my friend Mags uses) on the way to the Honda place to retrieve SuRu who was getting her car maintained. I believe FFP christened this one 'ant watcher.' If there is anything valuable on the ground, this guy is going to find it. He studies the ground in considerable detail, from side to side as he walks. Every inch. If you think you dropped something in my neighborhood, I know who to ask about it.

In my work neighborhood toady, I saw a guy carrying groceries along the access road to Hwy. 183, talking to himself. I'd seen him in the area before. Bald and ruddy and with no hat against the awful sun.

It's hot out. Only crazy people walk. And the eXtreme dog walkng team, of course. But only early or late and definitely with sun protection if it's daylight. Well...OK, only crazy people walk in this heat.

Forrest and I visited a film production company a friend of his runs tonight. Video has definitely entered a new era. The WEB has changed everything. And digital video changes everything. What's next?

I've decided that I can get this office straight if I just do a little bit every day. Just move in a positive direction. There are so many things cluttering the place up that I don't actually use. Old software, old gadgets, obsolete things. I have all these nifty organization ideas gone bad. The rolling file that was going to keep current things, boxes holding who knows what, backups with long forgotten contents and old notebooks and unfiled scraps. It's just a matter of a place for everything and everything in its place, right?






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