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August 14, 2000

"One is often kept in the right road by a rut."

Gustave Droz


do the covenants cover this?


culture? sirloin? a very even board...a great day for Scrabble!




Meta: I may be a little erratic in updating for the next few weeks.





the end always comes

The last day when you don't have to travel home always arrives, doesn't it? But I'm going to keep my pleasant routine for this one last day. I have plotted a walk to cover a little different ground and intersect the trail again. I discover, to my delight, a covenant-bending giant metal sculpture in someone's yard. And a bunch of wires erupting from the ground that look like something meant to entertain.

I return from my walk pleasantly sweaty. I'm feeling good and happy with the routing.

My sister had been insisting on a Scrabble rematch. It seems ho-hum to me but I agree. Whoa! I get a couple of blanks and manage to attach 'culture' to my sister's word 'sing' to make 'singe' and 'culture' and use all seven tiles, of course, yielding an extra fifty points. I only remember doing this one other time in my life. Imagine my surprise when I plop down 'sirloin' a little later to do it again. The board is nice and even and interlaced. Singe became singer and that's pleasing, too.

Jenny brings Jack over and she goes to get tires for her car with her granddad. We entertain the boy with a bottle and toys and constant attention.

The rest of the day is slow. I take some APS film to a grocery store where they develop them all as panoramas instead of classic. Still they are cute and I leave a set of these with my niece.

We have a pot roast dinner. Jack eats cereal, enjoying feeding himself with a neoprene covered spoon for chewing. Kids taste everything.

Tomorrow...the airport. Not a pleasant thought.






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