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August 16, 2000

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food."

George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman


Fido Dido Clan tries to cheer me up about going back to work.









never give up a birthday

At 2:30 in the morning the doorbell rang. It was my suitcase.

In my chair when I arrive at work, is a plate of my favorite cookies. First, I don't like most cookies. Don't crave them. Do without them forever. No problem. Chocolate chips? Keep them. Ginger snaps. Can pass 'em up. But this kind of white cookie with a chocolate dollop on top. Randall's has them sometimes. Found out my admin got them. She had to ask someone about my favorite dessert. Very nice.

It's hard to get back into work. Have lunch at La Madeleine with SuRu and one of the Nancys. Shop for a baby gift. Get some new socks at InStep. Yeah, I know I got my bag. But I like these socks they have.

I go to the parents' house and notice some animals have scattered a bag of trash they left. Raccoons? Cats? Armadillos? Deer? I clean it up.

I'm exhausted. An afternoon meeting gave me pause. Hope for a victory? Well, pause, anyway.






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