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August 18, 2000

"There are people who think they find the key to their destinies in heredity, others in horoscopes, others again in education. For my part, I believe I should gain numerous insights into my later life from my collection of picture postcards, if I were able to leaf through it again today."

Walter Benjamin, A Berlin Chronicle

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that takes the cake!








the dance

Life is a lot like dance.

I ate a late lunch at Taco Bell. I regretted it when FFP made me a salmon salad with plums and blueberries before the dance performance in the evening. So good, but I was feeling queasy from the tacos. (I always get three crispy regular original tacos, three Fire sauces and three napkins. It takes me back to Tucson, 1967, but that's another story.)

I keep getting birthday cards and a mysterious piece of cake (two really) with my name on it showed up, too, but I still don't know where it came from. Maybe there was a party for me...but I wasn't invited!

The dance was at One World Theater. This is a very, very weird place on 2244 (Bee Cave Rd.) just past 360 (Cap. of TX Hwy.) . It was going to be someone's enormous house but instead became a non-profit theater. The performance was by the Ballet Austin company. It was great. But it's such a weird place. Parking lots are unfinished rock and gravel and the guys personally direct you parking your car. There are wires hanging out of things. The guy selling designer soda pop from a table backed by a couple of ice chests wore a walkman and read a book ("Why Be a Catholic.").

I like Friday night. Even when I know I want get everything done.






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