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September 29, 2000


"Never say anything remarkable. It is sure to be wrong.."

Mark Rutherford, Last Pages from a Journal




pig car in Clarksville





a strange week ends, weakly

Fridays usually give me a feeling of possibilities. A bit of euphoria. I wonder now if retirement would beckon the same way. I must say that Friday's promise doesn't dim until Sunday night. So, maybe so. People say that one would be, if retired, bored. I think not. Only if one really retired from life. Work provides interesting ideas and interesting people, from time to time. But I'm constantly stimulated at home by the possibilities of doing things with reading, writing, computers, cameras and other projects. I long to test this theory but I don't know when I actually will. I've committed to working through next June at the least. And Forrest seems to want me to work on indefinitely. He's certainly made it easy for me. I have little to attend to except work and whatever pleases me.

It's been a week of malaise. Last night was sunk in dizziness and fatigue. But I feel better today. FFP makes me drink a bottle of Super Food.

At lunch SuRu and I go to Edge City. I get a vegie burger. Maybe a bunch of carbs will increase my energy. I also drink another health drink full of antioxidents. We stop in Restoration Hardware and I buy my mom another frame for a picture of my sister and her grandson, Jack. Mom and Dad have clung to many things. I see things around their house that I had when I was a kid. A little wooden donkey. Just a knick-knack I had. It's survived all this time. I guess you'd say I'd clung to a lot of things, too. But really I am pretty good at ditching them. I just acquire too many things. Still, if Mom is going to display pictures, some nice new frames seem to be in order.

When I get home, we are late for some kind of reception. We try to go, but there is no place to park near the opera building because there is some event near Town Lake. We give up and go to Zoot.

We sit at 'our table' up front and greet people we know...a rich devloper, a venture capitalist, some philanthropists. I have a mussel salad and some mahi mahi in a very Asian presentation. We drink a bottle of Gewurtriminer for a change and it's very good. We even have dessert.

Home again, I'm a lump. But a lump who is feeling much better.


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