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January 20, 2001



"I would live all my life in nonchalence and insouciance
Were it not for making a living, which is rather a nouciance."

Odgen Nash , Introspective Reflection




Our neighborhood is not so boring....








It's sunny but hasn't scratched freezing when we get up. SuRu and I decide to put together Mom's computer cart and then go walkies.

The computer cart assembly has thirteen steps. And that doesn't count unpacking, vacuuming the styro and particle board trash, doing stuff over. And some steps are really multiple steps: nail on the back and then screw on the base, etc. It takes a little over two hours to do it plus put the computer and parts inside and rewire. I haven't straightened up the wires too much, but otherwise it's done. If I get her a decent chair (I'm going to loan her one of mine) and a gel wrist rest (we didn't glue the wooden one on...I think gel is better), she will have everything she needs except for a bunch more lessons in how to use it.

It's nearly noon when we set off in the neighborhood for eXtreme dog walking. Our own neighborhood is not without its charms. We go south of 45th street and walk by the castle. I didn't take this picture today, but I probably could have. It wouldn't look too much different,

We are invited to two 'after holiday' parties. They are not in our neighborhood. They are a short drive from one another, though. One begins at 4 PM and one at 6 PM.

On our way to finding the first house (we've been there a couple of times before but I'm still reading the map), I ask FFP, "Are all these people richer than we are?" to which he answers "Of, course." Surely some just poured all their net worth into the house, I think. But I don't protest.

The first party has a Chinese theme. This year they have sushi as well as spring rolls, egg rolls, mushu duck, etc. And a traditional ham, cheese, etc. for people who don't like chopsticks. It's all great and we get the first whack at it since we are among the first dozen guests. The waiters are Word of Mouth and my Chardonnay keeps getting refilled. We talk to various Dell veterans. We listen to the piano player who does 'Body and Soul' for FFP.

At the next party, we spend some time talking to Margaret Perry, head of Armstrong Community Music School. (She wants to get the word out: anyone can find classes and lessons at the's not just for professionals.)

The host takes groups upstairs to see a foam core model of his next home. And I use the term loosely. Home, that is. It is a villa with a wall and piazzas. I really like these people, but I can't imagine building something like that.

I've said it before (though maybe not here) and I'll say it again. You should only build something like that if you plan to have about two dozen friends and relatives living there.

The rest of the evening is spent doing what we call 'chair sitting.' We look at the newspapers or a book. We watch some TV. Inaugural balls. Personally, I'm glad I was in Austin this weekend. Almost nothing would get me to Washington for an inaugural.


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