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January 25, 2001



"But sleep is preverse as a legislature,
Sleep is as forward as hives or goiters,
And where it is least desired, it loiters."

Ogden Nash, Read This Vibrant Exposê





Around this time of year, at Fish Hoek, Cape Province, SA, in 1997. A Surf Life Saving race is ready to start. It's summer there, you know.





role reversal

After I'm awake and in the shower, I realize that I was having a dream. In it, hundreds of people were eating a meal while they waited for a job interview. I was with them, apparently in the same boat, but sort of floating above it. Some people got sick after the meal. Then we were in our very bedroom. I had on a long bathrobe that was a printed fabric. It was identical to towels that we were offering to someone I work with. My co-worker was going to take a shower. I wondered why he didn't shut the door to the bath. As a courtesy, I left the bedroom.

At work, I tried running some more tests and contended with both my own stupidity and that of others. Mostly the former, of course. I attended a couple of meetings. I worked on my presentation. Nothing like a deadline to get my attention.

Mom prepared a roast today and I was at her house in time to have roast, potatoes, carrots, mixed vegies and fresh cornbread. A salad, too. She goes to a lot of trouble cooking. Does mostly fresh food, not much convenience stuff. She was also trying to get her breadmaker to work. Last time she tried she didn't like the result. I'm glad the parents are settled in enough to get into projects. Dad wasn't home. He and his friend Joe were off somewhere doing something about their garden. Which they are going to sharecrop at my next-door neighbor's house. Judging from the limbs by the curb and the turned earth, they were up to something there today. Hope they don't drive the neighbor crazy, but I'm glad he's got his projects.

I showed Mom how the Hearts game worked and we started fillling in info for MicroSoft Money. She informed me that besides learning about computers she had to do some weaving and 'other projects.'

I'm glad that my folks have so many interests. Dad is reading a different book every time I go over there. It might be Zane Grey or Agatha Christie. It might be something weird that they borrowed from here. I don't have enough time in a day to pursue everything I'm interested in. Neither do they. Hope I still feel that way when I'm 79 or 84. I feel they have settled into the house and the life here. I think they feel comfortable that they have a support system. Some people who will always be there for them. Hopefully, they are right.

We are invited to a preliminary event for the Art Ball. Last year we didn't make the 'A' list to be invited to the Ball. This year we were invited by an 'A' list friend. Plus they are comping us. Very cool. Sometimes if you just calmly bitch a little, people will suck up to you. Not often, though. It will be interesting to see how long the 'A' list can keep from inviting the 'B's to this Ball. It will be like watching the Real Estate situation.

The event. I didn't get the memo about dressing up in 70's garb and pretending we were at Andy Warhol's factory. I'm glad I didn't. There were some cool outfits. But it was loud with Beatles music. There were Campbell Soup cans that said Art Bash. I think there was something inside, but I didn't take one. We spoke to the guy who invited us and a few others. And bailed out.

At the Four Seasons, we saw an acquaitance and sat with them in the couch area and listened to Rebecca. We ordered a large assortment of appetizers, shared some with Rebecca and drank a couple of glasses of wine.

Home from the event we fell into bed. I disproved the theory that if I got to bed at 10 PM, I'd get up in the morning.


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