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February 17, 2001



"Between time and ourselves, it is a struggle as to which shall kill the other."

Guy Delaforest



the construction that won't end...decorated for Valentine's







get it all done on the weekend

I stay in bed in the chilly room a bit too long. But I'm up by 8AM.

I work on WEB stuff, on helping FFP work on Quark and scanning, on a packing list for the New York trip, I enter our expenses in a Money budget. Yes, we are keeping track of everything we spend. Amazing information. I make a visit to Mom's where I help her send some e-mail. She is getting curious about surfing the WEB. And she is getting better at mousing and typing. She's still confused, but who isn't?

A friend drops by with his brother and sister-in-law. They want to see our wine cellar. The guy's brother has really gotten into wine. It is interesting when someone has a fairly new found interest and is soaking up information.

SuRu and Zoey are out of town. But FFP and I take Chalow on a dog walk. We start out on Woodlawn and wind through the grand houses. The house of the endless construction is still, apparently, not finished, but people are apparently living there. And have decorated for Valentine's.

We go all the way down to W. Lynn and the ape. Chalow makes some friends in the shops along W. Lynn when a woman sees her and gets her friend out of a shop to look at her.

The ape, wasn't decorated...although he appeared to have either a Valentine heart or a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. Two people busily landscaped around him.

Streetcar Named Desire. You would think there would be nothing like Tennessee Williams to make you glad for your own lot in life. The dog walk has made me tired and sleepy. As we settle into our seats, I get a sinking spell. FFP gets me a coke. But from the beginning the play disappoints. Joe York makes me feel sorry for myself, sitting through it. At the first of two intermissions, we are on our way home.

The second disk of Howard's End is a much better use of our time. Then we watch Blue Velvet. The film is too violent for my tastes. Dennis Hopper saying 'shut the f--- up' one too many times. But there are aspects of it that rate it's cult status.

I was busy, but I didn't get much done. But I did grab a lot of joy out of the cool, sunny day.


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