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March 3, 2001



"The fixity of a habit is generally in direct proportion to its absurdity."

Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past


I've nothing else to post and I like to take images off ebay. It's so amazing what you can see there.







lazy day

The cold (or whatever) and the drug I took for it drug me out. I sleep in. I droop around, blurry. I drink coffee, read papers, drink more coffee. It is raining outside and that isn't helping.

FFP makes a bacon and eggs and toast breakfast. That's something we almost never do.

Himself goes shopping. I schlep around the house being useless. My office is hopeless. I want to work and study in a clean surface gleaming environment. Hmm...maybe I can clean one surface.

But the day just....goes. Somewhere in there, I make a plate of nachos for lunch. And it's time to shower and dress and go to the live performance of Selected Shorts. This is a road show for that program you hear on public radio. I love reading out loud.

Our friends the Sullivans of Precision Camera have invited us to this performance. We always wanted to go to one.

Before the performance the Mitch Watkins and Paul Glasse Play with a fiddle guy and, I think, Spencer Starnes on the bass.

We see people we know, talk and greet, meet new people and then settle in to hear three stories.

"Enough" by Alice McDermott, read by Mia Dillon This one was a ramble through the long life of a lusty woman. Sex, ice cream, love tied it all up.

"The Moor" by Russell Banks, read by Keir Dullea This one was about a guy who had an affair with a much older woman and then saw her years and years later. This guy Keir Dullea whose name I didn't recognize was, it turns out, the guy with the piercing eyes in the space helmet in 2001 A Space Odyssey. Yes, Dave! ("Open the pod door, HAL." "I can't do that, Dave.")

"The Smoker" by David Schickler, read by Isaiah Sheffer This one was about a teacher and a student and somehow stepped beyond cliché into a territory occupied by real, if bizarre, people. Reminded me a little of that scene in Husbands and Wives where the Woody character (Gabe) takes up with a young woman, Rain, and goes to a birthday party at her parents' house.

Anyway, it was fun. And then we went home and directly to bed.



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