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March 21, 2001



"It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail."

Gore Vidal

for sale and you know where

last year we celebrated M&D's 59th





playing hooky

Not really. I told the person who keeps track of my vacation that I wasn't coming back after lunch.

The sun was shining. Staying inside seemed stupid. It's bound to rain on the weekend. The forecast doesn't sound as bad as last weekend. But still.

I had cheap Chinese with SuRu for lunch. She bought because I bought her a lifetime supply of Kleenex at Sam's. Then I dropped her at work and went to my parents. I tried to show Mom how to find the WEB pages of businesses advertising in her Miniature magazine. I think she understood but I'm not sure. I gave them a book with an event for every day of 1941. Tomorrow is their 60th anniversary. So the first year of their marriage is marked by the march to war. On December 7 they heard about Pearl Harbor after killing a rabbit to eat. Or did they just try to kill one? Mom said today it was the first and last time she'd fired the gun and she missed the rabbit. The way I always remembered this story is that they shot the rabbit.

I left the parents, who were having Krispy Kreme donuts for lunch, and went home and took off the sweater I'd worn in the cool morning and put on a cap and looked through the work gloves until I found a left and a right. Then I started picking up rocks. When they put the rough gravel bed in for our driveway they littered a bunch outside the driveway area. They needed picking up as a first phase of new landscaping out there. FFP joined me after a meeting.

Two wheelbarrows full of rocks later, I was drinking a Dr. Pepper with extreme pleasure in the cold and the sweet of it. I'd also put on an old long-sleeved white shirt of FFP's over my polo shirt to avoid sunburn. I was sweating and creaking from bending over. FFP can still get on his knees. I had to use a bucket for a stool. The area did look better after we were done, but we need to do a lot to make it look a little less harsh. Right now it is all driveway. Fortunately the water goes through the eco-crete.

FFP fixed wilted kale, eggplant and Salmon with garlic pesto for dinner. Never a lack of flavor in his cooking. It was good.

I did some reading. Actually struggled through part of the New York Times puzzle. The answers had strings of four letters in a row. Like 'oddball llama' and 'Blue Hawai II' and 'carefree eel' and 'taboo oolong.' Watched a little TV. Watched part of a disturbing movie called Augie Rose. One of those movies where you want to tell the guy 'You are messing up!' Forrest started watching a show about how people think the Moon Walk was a hoax and I went off to see if I could learn something about Fireworks.


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