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March 31, 2001



"The secret of writing well is to know thoroughly what one writes about, and not be affected."

Alexander Pope




fern guy explains things to my dad

lovely specimens

vista of Lake Austin








The eXtreme dog walking team starts the day with a stroll around Hyde Park. I point out to SuRu the beer bottles on the rail of a house. The house where the party was held last night.

A woman mistakes Zoey for a male poodle she returned home to a place nearby. Nope, not the same dog. But we know the dog she is speaking about.

We have a taco and coffee at Julio's.

The walk seems short but it wears me out a bit. And the dog.

I pull a few weeds and do a bit of cleanup around the yard. But my heart's not in it. FFP is rolling. Planting, cleaning, working.

I suggest that we skip the symphony we have tickets for in the evening and that I take my parents on an excursion while he slaves away. He's got no problem with it.

The parents and I load up in the van and take off for Casa de Colores, also the home of Fern Guy. My dad loves the river Les built and the greenhouse with the ferns. Les even gives him some ferns to take home.

We have a long visit about this and that. Then the parents and I drive to the area around Johnson City. There are Indian Paintbrush and Bluebonnet stands.

I haven't seen any goats.

Seconds later a bunch appear with a Llama among them. He likes looking at the animals.

We pull into a hamburger place in Johnson City and have a burger and bathroom break. At dusk we are headed back around 360 to their house. The bluebonnets on the roadside look higher than they did this morning.

Forrest has rented some foreign flicks, one French, one Irish and we watch them while reading and dozing. The French one is An Affair of Love also known as Une liaison pornographique or An Pornographic Affair. It's an amazingly vivid evocation of Paris and the strange intersections of love and sex with an amazingly small amount of actual sex.


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