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April 2, 2001



"Ever let the fancy roam,
Pleasure never is at home."

John Keats, Fancy




shelf collage







what do we want?

Figuring out what one wants is the hard part. Some of us are addicted to the work we do. Others consider it, well, labor. Something preventing us from doing what we feel passionate about. I always feel caught somewhere in between.

I had lunch with a Nancy. She is working some place else. I've know her for years. For a lot of them, we worked at the same place. (Two different ones.) Other times we worked at different places but kept up through lunches. Now our mode is going to be to meet after Jennifer's Journal is published. However, who knows how long that will last? If I quit paying, will she keep publishing? Anyway, I think Nancy and I will keep up.

After work, FFP had pizza and salads ready and had bought some cake. He said he was celebrating the 24th anniversary of Good Right Arm.

I spent a lazy evening. Watching reruns and random snippets of TV and reading newspapers. Must get off my duff and do something.

Sometimes the journal seems to become just typing and fooling with pictures. And sometimes that is enough.


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