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April 4, 2001



"You'll never get mixed up if you simply tell the truth. Then you don't have to remember what you have said, and you never forget what you have said."

Sam Rayburn




poppies bloom at the log cabin







all's well that ends well

Odd day at work but, in the end, I salvaged it. Gray sky. Threatening rain.

No matter. SuRu and I had a dog walk. That's the good news about daylight savings time. We walked to Lamar and over by the community garden, Chili's and Starbucks. It rained lightly on us the last few blocks to home. It was humid besides.

But...FFP cooked swordfish with a bed of this garlic, green pepper, onion thing and served with spinach and beets. He made SuRu and I a nice plate and I got out decent silverware and napkins and wine glasses and filled them with a Sauvignon Blanc FFP opened.

And then we watched TV. And I drank a little more.

What? Aren't you going to tell us what you had for lunch? Sure, OK. A big salad from the salad bar at Whole Foods and a glass of water and then an apple later in the break room.

We (SuRu and I) did a little shopping after. Looked at stuff at Smith and Hawken. And REI. I didn't buy anything. I thought of buying FFP a vase. Or a cool brush to clean pots. My dad might like that. Smith and Hawken had a cap that said 'Official Dog Walker.' Cool. But $19? Nah. I also saw a shirt I liked at REI with fish on it but it's still in the store and the $44 plus tax is still in my pocket. I have plenty of clothes.

One of those days. Where there isn't much to say. I do remember waking to a dream where there were all these eggs around. You might think Easter eggs but they weren't decorated. Some were oversized, though. Big as a coffee table. My friend LG was in the dream. Giving me a cake to take to some people.


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