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May 16, 2001




"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it."

Geroge Moore





florida, sans smoke







no smoking

These conferences aren't fun. So it goes. The conference had the 'soft' keynote today. It was the 'I climbed Everest and almost died and did get maimed and now I make my living off that mistake.' Which is OK, but hardly necessary to my work and this is work. So I stay in my room and work, drinking in-room coffee.

But after that it's technical session upon technical session, spying on the competition, and then receptions. On my way to the first I smell smoke. Is somebody smoking on the non-smoking floor? No, the smell is everywhere. I decide to stop and use a house phone to ask: is the hotel on fire? Actually, I just say I smell smoke on my floor. "Yes," says the operator who answers, "there is a brush fire and it's far away but the wind is blowing the smoke." My room seems free of it, though.

At the first, I prey on the DBMS developers prying info from them. But...a customer corners me for info on a requirement. Then our company has a reception. I decide to skip the first hour, research the customer's question and then go back. When I go back for drinks and snacks...I never get inside the party. The marketing types have lined up the customers with their questions. I stand inches from the door with snacks and drinks for a couple of hours, fielding technical issues. Somebody kindly gives me a beer. It's very, very tiring.

I'm still having trouble sleeping. I didn't get enough to eat to make up for no dinner. (It would have helped if marketing had let me get near the damn snacks.) I eat chips and a Jack Daniels from the mini-bar. Even Jack doesn't help me sleep.



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