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May 24, 2001




"The secret of patience is doing something else in the meantime."

unattributed in 20,000 Quips & Quotes by Evan Esar






my favorite destination







the same old road

I start my day by waking up to FFP having bad dreams. In one he was being shot at and Chalow got a slap as he reacted. She seemed unperturbed by this. Wonder what she was dreaming? My own dreams fade into dream oblivion as I wake him up to stop his.

I listen to a static-filled conference call with other people driving or in offices and conference rooms. Cut off at the end, I was afraid I had assignments!

Then I drive to Houston. Yes, again. I was going to ride with someone else but the logistics boggled the mind because I have a dinner engagement and a meeting tomorrow and want to go home as soon as I can tomorrow. Besides, the car knows the way.

I'm going to miss lunch, so I stop for some junk food to nibble on.

I get to the hotel, get a room and get hooked up to the Internet and check messages. All in about ten minutes. Then I'm off to find the meeting in some hotel I never heard of before.

Less said about the meeting the better. Speaking honestly is not the best policy. But the advantage of telling the truth is that you never have to remember what you said. So I wasn't popular with the execs but the regular joes all wanted to shake my hand. I played mine sweeper on my Palm Pilot part of the time to keep from screaming.

We had dinner for the immediate boss' birthday at a South American place where they cook meat on spits and come around and offer it. And there was a salad bar. I wasn't really impressed with this idea, but the meat was delicious and even the salad bar (so 80's, even 70's in concept) had some delicious stuff like a roast pork salad. Ate too much, of course. They had some really weird meats. Brahma Bull hump. Chicken hearts. Had to try those. The cheese and garlic beef was great.

Back to the hotel. Tried the 'pay for a movie and you will sleep' dodge. Picked a Mel Gibson one. A bad one. It worked.




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