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June 3, 2001




"Times change: today the successful executive has to be a man with an infinite capacity for taking planes."

unattributed in 20,000 Quips and Quotes edited by Evan Esar




the golden age of tarmac







I really hate to fly

Because it's cramped even with the new legroom in American. Because they should be sued for using the term 'Bistro' in association with a bag with a tasteless sandwich. I don't care if there is a PC of Dijon mustard in the bag and Pepperidge Farm cookies. Ugh. And my ears. That's the worst part. I use Dimetapp to keep from having extreme pain. But the old formulas (you know...with the stroke risk drug) were much, much better at this.

So we get home and FFP has a hard drive crash on this old machine that he was using for a DOS word-processing program that he still likes. So we have to spend time piecing together the files from a backup he made in April or so, a backup he made earlier than that on his other machine and the Internet backups we had been doing each night. He's still thinks he might have lost something, but we can't tell for sure. Even if you haven't, you feel you might have. You can never make enough backups, unfortunately for every contingency. Anyway, I wasn't excited about doing that after the long flights home and the delay in Dallas. But, oh well. Such is life.

We finally gave up on the computer junk and I finished reading Peter Mayle's French Lessons. Great book for anyone who enjoys weird food and odd people. Highly recommended.



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