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June 21, 2001




"We exist within a mere tick of nature's clock, trapped in the narrow interval between an eye blink and the rare life span of a centenarian."

Special Forbes ASAP edition on Time, November 30, 1998





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Changes happen before I can achieve a static structure. People want to name things, define the future with some certainty. Those in charge of slideware want commitment from those who must code, test, react. Some of us can't just change things with PowerPoint. Not that good PowerPoint is easy. It's just about a thousand times easier than software.

After work, I go to a party for someone I worked with years ago. She's headed to Arlington, VA because her husband is going to work in the White House. Forrest goes to a networking event. He actually enjoys some of the people he meets.

But I find myself collapsed in my chair. Again. I'm feeling better every day, though. I have a piece of Salmon steak cooked with lemon and capers. (Thanks, FFP.) And some chips and stuff. I'm not too hungry. I ate a huge lunch at Manuel's...zuchinni stuffed with pork. Very good actually. The chips and hot sauce were a bit much.

So I was lazy again and fell asleep in my chair after we'd watched the movie JFK again. It plays well in our household since FFP if fascinated by the conspiracy and I like the period cars and costumes.

When it's time for bed and I'm going through the kitchen, I notice a car parking in front of our house. I stand in the dark living room looking out at a tall, thin woman on stack heels going across the street to a party, I guess. It's 11:30 and I've heard band members live over there. Maybe it's an 'after gig' get together. We've had plenty of late night parties ourselves. But it seems surreal. And I feel old and less than vibrant standing there looking out at the night with the lightning (a small storm kicked up) and the people. There are a couple of silhouettes on the porch who seem like thin muscians.


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