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June 26, 2001




"Pas de zéle!"

Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, His Advice to Young Diplomats




window from the urban adventurers file






starting at the beginning

Sometimes the hardest part is starting with the thing that you really need to do, doing it and then moving on. Especially when a lot of people are involved. It is hard to do this when you are surrounded by a firestorm of demands. But ever satisfying the maw of demand means starting at the beginning and doing the things needed now.

My day was involved with customers and colleagues. And change.

And at 5:30 I suddenly said, "Oops...promised to be home on time."

We are invited to help a couple we know check out a private chef. We take them a gift of a nice bottle of wine. They give us a gift of a Grand Dame Veuve Cliquout 1989 for your anniversary since they missed our party. So...a better gift.

The meal starts with a nice Sauvignon Blanc from South Africa and a salad of mango, strawberries, arugula, flowers. Then crispy snapper over vanilla sticky rice. Then tuna with asparagus crust and pasta with a delightful orange sauce and a duab of wasabi. We've stepped up to a Mondavi red at this point. Then three sorbets with a delightful dessert wine. Whoa! Is this guy married? (Turns out he is, they say.) I hope they hire him and we get invited on a night he is cooking!

Chalow has been to the vet today. Tests don't look good for her liver in spite of the expensive experimental pills. But the threat of the vet works and she appears lively and eats her food. We agree to a $195 cat scan to see if there is something obviously wrong with her liver.



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