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July 6, 2001




"The only thing that should surprise us is that there are still some things that can surprise us."

La Rochefoucauld quoted in 20,000 Quips & Quotes, edited by Evan Esar




image stolen from an ebay trader







Some days things are just a bit surprising. Completely ordinary days full of the unexpected. Today was like that.

I tried to dial into a meeting. We have lots of dial up calls know, managed by conference call outfits. I had the alleged passwords. But they disavowed knowledge of the conference or any conference for my company. Just as well. I didn't really want to be in that meeting.

At lunch, I told SuRu we should go somewhere we hadn't been in a long time. I chose a cheap Mexican joint at Mopac and Parmer. They had expanded two or three fold and the place seemed odd only it was much like any cheap Mexican joint.

On the way there, we saw a woman in a heavy wool skirt and a sweater and sandals. She was waiting for the light to cross the street. Almost no one wears heavy woolens here at any time and certainly not in July when the temperature was in the 90's somewhere.

I spent a half hour or so in the lounge on my floor after lunch, watching the Agassi/Rafter match, watching Agassi's sure thing slip away. I never sit in front of that TV for long, but today I did. Several others joined me or stopped by to talk.

After work, I want to stay home. FFP and I have leftovers, watch some tennis (including the conclusion of the same match). I read a little. We make some plans for a brief vacation in August. At one point, Chalow clamours to get outside. After I let her out, I notice a raccoon sitting calmly in the yard, staring. Chalow doesn't take notice. The raccoon trots off after I let Chalow in. I've never seen one out while so much daylight remained.

Ordinary things seem utterly strange today. And I seem to be dislocated and lost out of time. As does everything around me.



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