
Aug 8, 2001

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Some days are destined to feel better than others. Even though.

Even though I started the day in the dentist chair. They were fitting my crowns before the final glazing.

Even though they broke both temps and had to remake them. Even though it's costing me a lot of money. Even though I have to go back at the end of the month for another massive appointment.

Still. I was in a better mood when I got to work. I could put up with a meeting. And frustration.

SuRu bought me a lunch at Mirabelle. Even though the pastrami was tough on my Reuben. I was still in a good mood. As we left, a guy said, "That's a name you don't hear much anymore. Eula Mae."

Even though I walked by an office and heard someone say, "It's like a sledge hammer." Even though I had to dispel some rumors. I was still in a good mood.

And...FFP called to suggest we continue in the birthday celebration mode with a meal at Jeffrey's. So I was uplifted by a chilled cucumber champagne soup, a mushroom tart, foie gras. A nice burgundy.

Even though it was hot. And I worked. And things seemed a bit depressing. Even with that, my mood was great.

After Jeffrey's I enjoyed a bit of WEBery. And reading the newspaper. Life is, basically, good. Is it not?





chalow softens up her cookie kill


"A friend is someone who sees through you and still enjoys the view."

Wilma Askinas




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