Monday. December 10, 2001


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good working environment for the attention deficit disorder sufferer?

or here?




"Nothing is work, unless you'd rather be doing something else".

James M. Barrie






back to work, weakly

The Dimetapp and Echinecea are doing the trick. But after two meetings that run until 12:30pm they are running out on me, leaving me feeling weak achey and stuffy and with my throat tingling. SuRu drove me to work (FFP's car in shop) and she's already gone to lunch. She leaves her cell number and brings me back chicken fingers from the Sonic.

I eat, drink some grapefruit juice. I've taken another Dimetapp and gradually it works. I work on one of my BIG projects, one I can never figure out how to do. I make a few decisions, but no major breakthroughs.

Well, I don't feel well. I cop out of the evening's holiday party. SuRu drives me home.

Instead of going out and eating and drinking, I struggle to download pictures from the old digital camera, which FFP has taken to one of his clients for shots. That and printing a few more of the holiday cards takes all my energy.

I watch some TV, drink some Echinecea tea and doze. I get up and take my dose of Dimetapp and get, all in all, a pretty good night's sleep.

When a friend is seriously ill, all one's paltry ills pale and look silly. The helplessness you feel is compounded by the feeling you have that your life in inconsequential. That you haven't done anything worth discussing and that, of course, you will die, too.

So, yeah, my cold or whatever it is seems stupid. Not worthy of notice. But still taking over my days. And, because I keep dozing in my chair, the newspapers are piling up.








Sore throat.
Will soon be gone and forgotten.
And then we will be.



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