Friday, May 3, 2002


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never a dull moment on S. Congress


"Attention to health is the greatest hindrance to life."

It is not enough to be happy; it is necessary, in addition, that others not be.




meet to death

'Breakfast will be served at 7:30 and the meeting will start promptly at 8.' So I get off to work a little earlier than usual. I don't storm out of the thing in disgust. I do get tired of hearing 'going forward' a bunch of other buzz words. I don't think we've uncovered any real new ground but I could be wrong. At one point I have to leave the meeting to go to another one. I'm serious. On the breaks, I try to take care of some of my alleged real work.

I talk to mother on the phone. She's walking around the house but still hurts. She wants me to come over tomorrow and stay with her while Dad goes to a church breakfast in the morning. I agree. I think we will go after that and get a light wheelchair. They are pretty expensive, I know, and I don't know if the insurance or Medicare will pay anything. But it will be nice to have when she has to go some distance. Just to get in and out of labs and doctor's offices. She has an appointment for a Physical Therapist a week from Monday. We are going to try to go on and get the cat scan screen next week since she's doing a little better. One could worry about her health full time. And she does. Dad and I, too. I have to go out of town a week from Sunday. Sigh.

I go home and eat take out Chinese. A meeting like that makes me feel like I deserve a medal.

I have a drink. (Jack Daniels and water if you must know.) I read from my enormous ever-growing stack of newspapers. I fiddle with my computer, printing a picture for someone from the opera ball, reading a couple of other online journals.

Things could be worse. Mom is at least walking a bit. Personally I feel pretty good in spite of being a little worried about giving proper attention to my work.





Mind share.
Going Forward.
Time to market.
Buzz, buzz, buzz.



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