Tuesday, October 15, 2002


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I like this saucer thing.





"It always seems to me that I'll be well where I am not, and this question of moving is one that I'm forever entertaining with my soul."

It is not enough to be happy; it is necessary, in addition, that others not be.





Today I take my walk to include the King Sooper grocery store and pick up some Blistex (dry air) and hair gel and a couple of Colorado post cards. They have one of these 'check out yourself' deals. The actual human cashier intervenes and gives me a discount as if I had a King Sooper shopping card.

My sister has an errand to run. She can't drive anymore and her husband is at work. Dad and I go over there and she directs us to a hardware store. Then she directs us to drive around and see Red Rocks park and out far enough to see the dramatic Rockies. We pull into the village of Morrison and eat so-so Mexican food at the Morrison Grill beneath a giant, dusty bear skin.

Left to my own devices, not driving the invalid, I would climb the trail at the Red Rocks, I'd park the van and take the rapid transit somewhere or drive down to the Tattered Cover bookstore. Another time.

We head back to Jen's and read and watch TV while she takes both kids and goes to church for choir practice. Jeffy has been babbling consonants and when he gets home he is doing more of it. He got to spend a few songs on his mom's shoulder. Jen likes having the cute boys and having them look like her...something she missed as an adopted kid...but they are sure exhausting at this age with Jack still in diapers and Jeffy breast feeding.

Mike has opened wine and I have some. When Jen is back we try an EOS dessert wine. A tasty bargain.





Dramatic scenery.
A reason for travel.
The geography shaping thoughts.



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