Saturday, November 9, 2002


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a big chocolate bear


"In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants and the other is getting it."
Oscar Wilde, Lady Windemere's Fan, 1892



It is not enough to be happy; it is necessary, in addition, that others not be.




a wasted day

I can't seem to get rolling today.

I play taxi to FFP who goes to the UT football game (and the tailgate party preceding it) with a client.

I drop him off at a parking lot to join the tailgate party. I intend to go to the club for a workout but I'm worried about the backups I try to run every night on our network. They don't seem to be working. So I go back home and work on that. I get some things to work but it is frustrating. I try to burn a CD on FFP's machine. I don't think that drive has ever worked correctly. It plays DVDs, though. Not that we ever do that. So I get a DVD and play it in both that computer and the Mac just to compare. Just watching a few scenes. Annie Hall if you must know. This is the only way we can watch DVDs at the moment. The unit in our media room went out.

I go to 34th Street for lunch with SuRu. I'm nervous, anxious. Don't know why. I have a BLT and some fries. SuRu and I switch halves so I have half the BLT and half of a Turkey. We share the fries.

At home I try to do something useful. I turn on the radio to see how the game is going (as in when will it be over so that I can go pick up FFP).

FFP calls and I go down to the drag and pick him up.

And I waste the rest of the evening. Doing what? Eating. (Nachos? Spinach salad? both? neither? I forget.) Watching TV. Reading from the ever-growing newspaper pile.






There are only so many hours.
In the day.
Even retired.
They lie there beckoning.
Can you do something useful?
Do you know how?



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