Thursday, March 20, 2003


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six months retired

It's hard to believe it's only been six months. It's hard to believe I've had six months off. I took off five months when I was mid-twenties. But this is the longest time I've had off in my adult life. I've fallen into some kind of routine. I guess.

I get to the gym early. We have an appointment at 11am to tour Safe Place. Safe Place is a fortress for the abused. They used to try to keep the location secret. Now they simply have security to keep people out. We get escorted in and have a couple of people talk to us and a little tour. I'm sure they want donors.

The woman who invited us is on the board. FFP and I take her to Four Seasons Cafe after for lunch. There's a contrast. How many clients of Safe Place do you think have eaten there? Life is full of contrast, of course. Whenever we see children in places like Cafe at the Four Seasons we say to each other, "So, did you dine at places like this as a kid?"

I do a few errands for FFP and I sort crystal, china and glassware for our dinner party next Tuesday. Takes a bit of time.

I finish Pnin by Vladmir Nabokov and startJacob's Room by Virginia Woolf.

We go to a Ballet lecture about the upcoming performance. One part of the music was written by Glover Gill and he is on the panel. He mentions that his band, Tosca, is playing tonight at Cippolina. On a whim we go there, cadge a table, get a pizza nad wine. A small version of the group starts and gradually builds up to accordion, piano, bass, cello, violins, etc. A group of people tango and tango and tango. When it's over we think we will have a night cap and caviar at Jeffrey's but their kitchen is closed. So we just go home.






guess what this is?

"I never feel age...If you have creative work, you don't have age
or time."

Louise Nevelson




It takes two to tango.
It really does.
It's a dance where sometimes.
The man.
Is a support.
For the woman's elegant step.


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