Thursday, April 3,2003


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day slips away

I meant to get to the club early but I'm not there until 11. I do 50 minutes of nowhere bike and some ab, back exercises.

I do e-mail, read paper, finish my self-help book, that's why it gets to be 11.

I should enjoy my freedom, but sometimes it makes me nervous.

I want to do something for my brother-in-law's 60th birthday (next week) so I look for '43 pennies and ration stamps to possibly use to make a card or something. I find other surprising things in storage while looking.

I shower and write a long e-mail to my friend in South Africa.

Four o'clock and my goals (catch up with the journal and deal with the newspapers) are not really accomplished. Um, not really started. I did a few journal dates and one or two old newspaper sections.

We go to SoCo for First Thursday. Crowds. Range Rovers. Jesus people. Children playing little violins and cellos badly. Mayorial candiates. Ceramics stacked precariously on tables on an uneven section of sidewalk. Painted cowboy hats. Can't get into Lambert's. Eat at Vespaio after a wait spent browsing Uncommon Objects. Street vendors selling things we don't want or need.

Vespaio is so, so loud. Indifferent wine. I have Mozzarella app and tuna. The tuna is rare (I like that) but also lukewarm on the outside like it set after seared. There are no tableclothes. They obsessively wipe the table between coursers. Did I mention it's loud. Especially loud tonight when both the bar and the restaurant are so, so crowded.

Home again, we watch Without a Trace. Dozing. Reading The Austin Chronicle. Thought I'd have a coke but didn't. Gaining weight again? I think so and it's no wonder.






Forrest holds a little dog in camo

FFP reflection, SoCo window


"On several occasions I have actually read parts of my diary aloud to someone. But too much 'publicity' is destructive to a diary, because the diarist begins, unconsciously perhaps, to leave out, to tone down, to pep up, to falsify experience, and the reason for the undertaking becomes buried beneath posings."

Gail Godwin, A Diarist on Diarists




Can't trust them.
Make people brave.
Or shy.
Not themselves.
Not the crowd.



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