Monday, June 16, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


those are the boys all right


"The whole art of politics consists in directing rationally the irrationalities of men."

Reinhold Niebuhr







A lot of politics is being in the right place at the right time.

We went to a political reception for a bit today. Make sure the new mayor knew that we were on his side and that we were celebrating with him. Gladhanded other people. FFP is in the PR business. It's a funny and complicated business. It's about getting a certain number of people to do things. I wouldn't be good at it. Really, Im a recluse at heart. I enjoy watching people. We get to this reception on time. Early really. We are pathologically punctual. The good news is that we get a parking place. The bad news is that we are way early. We watch other people arrive from a vantage point inside. I like watching people. People are politics. But you have to talk to them, too. And feign interest. Nope, I would never, ever be a politician. Or a PR woman.









It's politics.
Which is just like other interactions.
Where you don't really say.
What you feel.
Only magnified.
By having to have the votes.
Of fifty percent.




Food Diary.

I know I had some fruit and cheese cubes and a small empanada and a beer (Shiner Bock in a can, if you must know). And some sort of bad seven-layer dip. It was dark. FFP saved me from eating a bacon-wrapped something on a toothpick by taking it off my plate. During the boom, people turned up their noses at cheese cube fare. But put them out now (as they did at Will Wynn's party after swearing in) and people will swarm.

Let's just assume that whatever else I ate today was healthy. Salad or something.





Time flies....

I spent time shopping for a flat panel monitor and a KVM, two simple things. But it took time. As does unpacking them and setting them up. I wanted to save the monitor box and I had trouble getting the puzzle of cardboard to go back inside.





Read a little newspaper and some of Peter the Great..



What's my excuse today?

Worrying about computers.



A bike ride to nowhere. And upper body (chest, shoulders, back) exercises.






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