Wednesday, June 18, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


some of the stuff, very small









Sometimes time just evaporates.

Today I worked a bit on taking pictures of some of Mom's stuff that I may sell, give away or dismantle and pack up for my sister or nieces. Stuff, especially knick-knacks or bric-a-brac is especially hard to deal with. Some of the stuff she made and there is some sentimental value. Stuff is sad. Stuff overwhelmes. I need to crawl out from under the stuff, the gadgets.

We show someone our building and open the storage building behind it and notice that there are tools and hardware and a bit of abandoned stuff. That needs cleaning out.









Tiny rooms.
Useless to live in.
Fun to look at.
Tedious to pack.
And sad.




Food Diary.

One small bowl of Total with whole milk and a spoonful of sugar.

Cole slaw with a little mayo, nachos, corn on the cob (one ear). But, um, I didn't drink anything but water all day. No wine, no soda.





Time flies....

Fiddling with Mom's stuff takes time and emotion.

I didn't want to get up today. I was dreaming. I was watching a play on a platform that went up and down. There were some Siamese twins (is that PC now? should I say co-joined?) but they were actors.





Read a little newspaper and some of Peter the Great..



What's my excuse today?

Spent some time at Mom's house.



Lower body exercises, bike ride.






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