Thursday, July 31, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


detail of a savory snack from Japan









just the next thing

The truth is that you just do stuff so you can move on to the next thing. You never get done.

Forrest got someone to fix the main AC at the building today. (Ants got into a contact. We discussed needing to spray insect spray around all compressors and light boxes outside our property a few times a year. I wonder if we will do it?) We discussed getting the flashing around the foundation fixed on one part of our house. We discussed ways and means to promote the building. Later we discussed getting some awnings replaced.

I used to think you could get everything working, clean, taken care of and take a breath. Sit down and read a book or work on a project in a clean, bright room with everything working. But you can't. You can just hold off the inevitable entropy a little.

I decided at one point to do things on my 'to do' list. I had it in my hand when I went to FFP's office to check a setting on his machine because I had written down the proper setting. I remember looking at the first thing on the list. It said 'budget.' I started on that. Even finished it, after a fashion.

Then I mislaid the 'to do' list.

Oh, well, wing it through dinner and cleanup and getting the garbage out. Flying without a list. What does it matter, anyway? I can always make a new one, can't I? But would it have the same items? And does it matter?







Fixing, patching, calling
Dusting, Sweeping
Scrubbing, Watering
Tidying, Diddling
Replacing, tossing
Fluffing, flossing
Try, try, try
But entropy





Food Diary.

Small black coffee from the Capresso.

Small black coffee at club.

Vegie sandwich on nine-grain bread. (Cucumbers, mushrooms, cheese, sprouts, tomatoes, spinach.) A big pickle. A few (ten maybe) of the mound of chips offered. (Austin Diner on Burnet Road.)

A little packet of weird, savory snacks from Japan including these little, um, tiny silvery dry whole fishes. (Friend LG brought from Japan. Had no idea what I was eating much less how many calories!)

A bunch of Romano cheese and crackers and two stiff vodka tonics. Diet tonic. As if it made a just came to hand.

An ear of corn on the cob ear with lotsa butter and salt.

Shark steak in some bottled ginger sesame dressing. About six ounces.

A glass of tonic, no vodka.






Time flies....

Trouble getting up as early as I'd like. (Staying up late has something to do with it, I think.) Spent a couple of hours taking Dad to get cataract surgery, out to lunch.

Found myself around 2pm looking at my 'to do' list and wondering what to do with myself. I had plenty of choices, mind you. I just had to decide what to work on.

TV is really a great time waster, isn't it? That's probably why I try to multi-task and read at the same time.





The Fearless Diner by Richard Sterling. A small book with lots of facts about dining around the world. I love food! I love weird food. I could have written this book if I would ever write and if I were a man (necessary to pull off the adventure parts) and if I had a hankering for camel barbecue.

Read a few sections of the newspapers today, too.




See above.



Forty-five minutes on the bike to nowhere..



Physically feel good. Mood better.

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