Wednesday, September 10, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


ballet dancers










I look at it as another few score of cubic feet of stuff, dealt with. Sort of.

Getting ready to go on a trip is one thing. Getting ready to move a bunch of stuff is another. I attached both today.

I got to Dad's around 11 and we sat a minute drinking water. Then we carried a small cabinet out of the house an rigged it in the van so that the seatbelts for the removed seats, together with a piece of rope secured it. We put the largest of boxes in and then a small chair that goes with a sewing machine we'd already delivered to Denver. We packed in other boxes and secured them so they would slide around. We have one seat in back and space behind, in front of and on it for our luggage. Maybe a bit of space on the boxes, too. It looks like it might work.

At home, I try to pack my stuff in three separate bags and a backpack. The better to fit here and there in the space available. Besides clothes, I pack a little road food, some exercise bands, my tennis shoes, digital camera and accesories, a journal, my palm pilot, a spare watch, a Swiss army knife, a small flashlight. I put a change of clothes, a hair dryer and toiletries in one bag, more clothes in another, the tennis shoes and workout stuff in another and the electronics and journal and pens and road food in my backpack. I check things off my packing list, try to remember what and where I packed stuff. If I'm going to Denver (and perhaps to higher elevations here and there) I need a light sweater, an anorak, a sweatshirt. These things take up room. Pretty soon I have most things packed that can be. It looks like too much stuff. It always does.

Lots of people have told me about the weariness and the blows to the spirit that disposing of a household of stuff can be. I'm not really facing that. We have left many things at Dad's for him and visitors to use. We are only disposing of things that were Mom's. Not that it isn't a lot of stuff. It is. At the same time, I'm packing for a trip and considering a remodel which will make me move a fair amount of stuff out of the way of the destruction. When a remodel is finished, you almost always consider buying some new stuff, too. We are considering having our bed removed and buying a new one when finished. We are considering building a walk-in closet and so there is the question of what to do with the deco wardrobes that we used to substitute for adequate closets. It makes my head spin. All the stuff. Now if I can just keep that in mind when I'm acquiring stuff. Here are two new books from Amazon. Hmmm....







Moving stuff around.
We spend a lot of life doing it.
I question why.
I wish the stuff hadn't been gotten in the first place.
But I've spend so much of life.
The very things in my way.
I wanted those very things.
I still feel a pull sometimes.
To go buy something.
The perfect thing.




Food Diary.

About 12:30pm
baked potato with non-fat yogurt and broccoli and cheese and onions

About 2pm
a Baby Ruth bar, about 280 calories

About 7:39pm
a bunch of nachos with cheese, chips, jalapenos, tomato, onions
A Miller Lite


Sometimes it's hard to remember what I ate...and when I do it's hard to believe!





Time flies....

Two trips to the club, a trip to Dad's to pack the van, packing bags, doing laundry. A day full of mundane things.





Still reading a collection of The New Yorker Profiles.





The journal. And packing lists. And e-mails. Sigh.




One hour water aerobics.

About forty minutes on recumbent bike and some stretches and ab exercises.




My back hurt after water aerobics but I don't think it hurts as bad as yesterday. The stiffness and pain is migrating around into my hip and it just grabs when I reach a certain way or something. Very tired of it. Keep trying stretching (helps), massage chair (helps) and heat (helps).


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