Friday, September 26, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


I never really thought twice about it.








things do change

I thought we'd just keep showing the building but no one would every rent it or make a buy offer. But now it seems people are interested in it. Whether it will work out remains to be seen. I mean I was ready to move books in a start a book store.

I showed the building to a couple yesterday. They asked a lot of questions and seemed real interested in buying with us financing. But, still. I was surprised when the realtor brought an offer. Apparently with a commercial building sale you give them a feasibility period to bring in their contractors to see if they can use the property effectively. If we sign this, they have thirty days during which they can pretty much back out for any cause. So, it's not like we have a done deal. Lots more paperwork and stuff to go. Then I showed it to another couple today. And they really seemed interested although the guy looked before. Whatever. It would be nice to not be paying taxes, insurance, security and utilities on an empty building. While we would be carrying the note, it might be nice to be more or less free of this property. One less thing.

So I hope it works out. Time goes by and things evolve. People age and die and move. You quit doing one thing, do another. Things always change. I guess people with kids are more aware of changes in a way. The kids shoot up and leave. Their lives change so fast. I never considered having a child. And I haven't regretted that decision. It lets me pretend to be young not to have old, grown-up children.

Things do change, though. Not owning that building would be a change. The remodel we are considering would be a change. We haven't moved in twenty-six years. Sometimes we talk about doing it. That would be a big change.







It's constant.
But it doesn't always seem so.




Food Diary.


three or four ounces cheese, ten carackers, 1/2 package smoked, sliced turkey

[Roaring Fork]

most of a pizza-like thing with pork and mozzarella
a large piece of tuna with some vegies
two glasses Pinot Noir
one glass Maederia
bite of FFP's plum dessert

180 calorie Honey and Oat bar
two ounces cheese


Yeah, the cheese diet.





Time flies....

Spent time showing the building, talking to realtor, lot of time at the club. Cleaned out a few things. Saw a showing of Kiss Me Kate at the Paramount...they are promoting a production they are premiering of a Taming of the Shrew ballet. We went downtown early and had dinner at the Roaring Fork.





Two Sides of the Beach by Edmund Blandford. Read on bike. Attacked some of the stacks of papers, too.





Well, I'm trying to catch up the journal with limited success. And I'm not writng because I'm cleaning out trying to get ready to remodel.



one hour on recumbent bike

Ten minutes rowing machine.

abs, lower back, stretches



Somehow the building deal depresses me even though I should be excited that we might sell it. I think I won't believe it until we've closed and are getting payments for a few months.

Physically I feel good. I was thinking...I never even get headaches any more. My digestion improves all the time. Maybe retirement was just the ticket for health in some subtle ways. Of course, I did have that weird backache for a while. But now that it's gone, I really feel great.


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