Sunday, September 28, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


Howdy Doody piano...for sale on ebay








catching up

This is the first entry in a couple of weeks that I actually started on the day in question.

There is no such thing as writing in real time, of course. Things are changing and mutating, in your mind and otherwise, even as you describe them. Or try to.

I thought I would take a photo today, too. Instead of reaching back into the handful I took while away. I didn't. I cadged something off ebay I found amusing. A child's paino. Because, this evening we heard Anton Nel play a magnificant Steinway while sitting about four feet away in a west Austin home. I had not, sadly, even heard of the man. He is in residence at UT and is phenomenal. I went off looking for bio material and it said that he debuted at twelve after only two years of training. Music was never something I was good at. But I toyed with piano lessons and band enough to appreciate it a little.

This event was a benefit for Aids Services Austin. There was a nice buffet provided by Lambert's, too. It was at the home of friends and we saw lots of people there. Some we just saw at the Zach Scott opening last night of the fabulous production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. One we saw when we were dining at Uchi on Tuesday.

So, I'm writing this just after it happened, the next morning, before the images of the fingers on the keys are gone. Before I forget that when Anton was introducing his music and speaking I thought he was maybe a Scot or English. I started thinking of people I knew in South Africa for some reason. Which, it turns out, is where he hails from.

So I'm back to writing, some would say rambling in more or less real time or at least some proximity to events.

And I wanted to do that before I made a decision about this little scrapbook, diary, journal or commonplace book. I don't want this effort to die of neglect or vacation. I want it to be all about intention. So I can actually decide something about it. It is, after all, one of the few things I control.







In real time.
Doesn't exist.
As soon as pen hits paper.
Hands lay on keyboard.
The moment described.
Is gone.




Food Diary.

nothing...well, black coffee

a bowl of salad with onions, cheese, broccoli, carrots, dressing
a serving of Michaelangelo's eggplant parmesan

couple of glasses sparkling wine
hors d'ouevres of smoked salmon, cheese, charcuterie, cheese puffs (not a huge serviing)
couple glasses red wine

three cookies and a few Jelly Bellies


Trying to eat better things, leave out some things like crackers, sodas, alcohol. I shopped today and I tried to just not buy things I shouldn't eat. Made an exception for tortilla chips.





Time flies....

Not up that early and then, suddenly, after having coffee, working on the journal, doing some e-mails, folding laundry, it is after ten. I got to the gym after 10:30. I did grocery shopping after and got home at 12:30. Then I did a little organizing which, sadly, centered mostly on sorting through the newspaper pile.





Two Sides of the Beach by Edmund Blandford. Read on bike. I like the quotes from the British and German vets.

I read some old newspapers. I know I should just toss them and move into real time but I hate missing that Charles Bronson died, that the five boroughs of NYC have 162 Starbucks, that Snapple is now the Big Snapple of the Big Apple. I hate missing an article on wind farms...interesting after seeing the turning blades in W. Texas.

 I'm still writing the journal.



Thirty minutes on recumbent bike.

ower body weight routine
arms weight routine



115/65 65 (before workout, morning)

121/72 82 (after workout and running around)

Physically feel good and strong.


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