Tuesday, December 16, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

tangled WEB food reading writing time exercise health and mood


Jeffy studies something in the park...an example of how a 'misfired' and poorly lighted picture can still be interesting.







Am I sick? and, if so, what should I do about it?

Health decisions: am I contagious?, am I doing myself harm or good by getting out?, should I take some drugs?, should I have some cure tea?, should I go to a doctor?

So, OK...your nose was running and you developed a little pre-cough, but the Dimetapp made it fine out in the cold playing tennis. Since I self-medicate, what should that medication be?

Given that FFP and I seem to have the same thing except he's about one day ahead and getting better all the time, I probably should just wait to get better. Of course, he had a flu shot and I didn't. Whatever.

I decide to not skip the tennis event due to illness. Instead I take a twelve-hour Dimetapp and a couple of Echinecea capsules and go. Even if I was feeling normal the occasional cold gusts of wind would make my nose run. I actually feel fine. Of course, this isn't strenuous exercise ('fun' drills and doubles). I don't seem to have much appetite for lunch, though.

In the evening, I drink some cure tea but I don't take anymore decongestant or anything. I want to figure out how I really feel. The verdict? My nose is runny but I'm feeling OK and I don't sleep badly. With the temperature in the 30's and my ailment, though, I decide not to do water aerobics tomorrow. (It's a heated pool but it's outside.)






When you self-medicate.
It doesn't make you like the doctor.
Anymore than the usual quack.
It's a guessing game.






Food Diary.




small scoop of chicken salad, some fruit salad, some pasta salad
a cup of shrimp bisque


Echinecea tea with teaspoon of sugar
some cheese and chips
six pieces of fruit 'jelly' candy


salmon with lemon and capers
salad with green onions, spinach, cabbage, greens, cheese and Peppercorn Ranch dressing

Today I
- didn't eat these cute desserts offered at the club or make a sandwich off the buffet...I think my stuffy head was killing my appetite.





Time flies....

I don't want to get up because I haven't slept well. Finally I do it, though, and get off to the club for the tennis event. I'm one of the first ones there. We do warmups, then fun drills and then play doubles. This all takes two and a half hours. Then we eat a buffet, talk, watch a skit and see awards presented. This takes an hour and a half. Seeing our pros pretend to be the Williams sisters, Andy Roddick, Pete Samprus and English talk show hosts was quite hilarious.

I stopped to get gas on the way home. Our bookkeeper was here and we exchanged gifts. A woman came to show us fabrics for bedspreads and FFP picked something that I liked OK. I liked that it was striped. The maid came and I sat around fooling with my WEB page and surfing for other accessories for our new room. I try to pare down the newspaper piles. I In the evening, after the workmen leave, I watch TV and read old papers. And doze in my chair until after midnight.





As Eagles Screamed

Old newspapers







A few hours of hitting tennis balls. (It didn't feel like exercise.)








I am sick or having an allergy attack and that bums my mood.


It's a Tangled
Web we weave...these
days of our lives.

One year ago
"I invite the supper club over next Monday night for a movie 'sleepover.' Knowing my friends they will be home by eleven but we will be playing the movies when they leave. We decide to watch Big Night and one of our company promises something Italian. I promise some popcorn, candy, queso and nachos. Or something. "

Two years ago

"Scary, losing consciousness, even for a moment. The hand, which never really hurt much is forgotten."




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