Tuesday, January 13, 2004


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

tangled WEB food reading writing time exercise health and mood




exercising the demons

Nothing like a good night's sleep, a conversation with the contractor, some exercise and some (relatively) good news on relatives to send the demons packing.

My mood was elevated. The contractor had the more or less right answers, my old relatives arrived intact from Big D, my sister seems to be getting better and, of course, I had a good long workout.

Exercise does help sometimes if you don't feel too rushed when you do it. And, of course, I'm exercising feverishly these days in an attempt to keep my bones strong so I don't end up with broken ones. My brother-in-law says osteoporosis is bad so everyone should get a bone density test. (And then, presumably take Fosamax or calcium?) What about trying to get calcium from diet (an all cheese diet comes to mind) and exercising...a combo of cardio and weight lifting as recommended. Easier to get a test and drugs, I guess.

Not me, though. I'll exercise my demons.






one day that will be a his and hers vanity





Doing, deciding, determining.
Pretending control over what scares you.






Food Diary.




green onions
boiled egg
3/4 ounce Laughing Cow cheese
four slices turkey bacon


about six cups of coffee

a Jack Daniels and ice

seven pieces of fruit pection candy (my dad still had some...damn it!)

shot of single malt Scotch


pot roast, mixed vegies (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower), mashed potatoes, brown gravy and some hot sauce to spice it up

Today I
- wanted to go for Mexican food but the old folks chose IHOP.





Time flies....

I'm waiting around for different people to arrive on the remodel and when I finally get off to the club I'm worried that my relatives will arrive and want me to do something and I'll have to cut exercise short. But they have stopped along the way for lunch and I learned by cell talking to Dad that I had plenty of time. I did the workout I wanted and showered there and went home and did a bit more grooming. The house was noisy with painters running sprayers and it was dusty and the maid was running around trying to clean things and vacuuming futilely. When I heard my relatives were in town, I bailed and went to Dad's. It was peaceful there (they even muted Dr. Phil when I arrived). We talked, then had the happy hour cocktail and then played a domino game called Spinner and had coffee. Then we went to IHOP and ate and then played more games. I finally went home at 10PM or so.






I'm reading that book of letters Eisenhower wrote to Marshall during the war. On the bike. The details are: Dear General: Eisenhower's Wartime Letters to Marshall
edited and annotated by Jospeh P. Hobbs.

The Conquerers by Michael Beschloss...in bed.







Forty-six minutes on recumbent bike
chest, shoulder, tricep exercises
ab exercises and stretches
ten minutes on ergonomic rower
fifteen minutes on treadmill








I felt pretty good mentally and felt great physically today.


It's a Tangled
Web we weave...these
days of our lives.

One year ago
""Even George W. should have to share," I write."

Two years ago

"We see dead animals and birds all the time. (The dogs tend to point them out lest we miss them.) But never had I seen an owl before today."




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