Friday, February 27, 2004


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

tangled WEB food reading writing time exercise health and mood




dull duty

There are things I feel a duty to do, but they don't excite me. They can fill the day.

I could have just bought some stuff for Dad to take to church. But he likes me to go along and help set up and clean up. I want to do things he wants me to do. Doesn't make it exciting, though.

I want cable in the new room. (Actually we had one hookup and it was exactly where the big TV will be now so I don't know why the destruction crew/electricians didn't preserve it but they didn't. Strung three new wires. Like I said a couple of days ago...too many wires.

The cable man will be here betwen one and five, they say.

So I spend some time with old folks, setting up food, watching them play games, cleaning up. It makes Dad happy. I leave before it is over and go home. Good thing because the cable guys come at 12:30. I encourage them to let me set up a TV to test since we haven't moved TVs or anything into the room. They don't think it's necessary. Except later I find the cable box won't work...the one that has been sitting idle for three months although we are paying for it. I think it's gotten too many revs behind and with a cable tech on the phone I watch UNIX error messages from server. Later it will work but not in digital mode. So, guess what? I get to wait for the cable guy on Monday, too.






At the last minute we decided to get this bookcase built-in and paint it black. I think it's cool.





Do your duty.
Could be worse.
Could be in Iraq.
Getting shot at.
Or raped.
Could be the 1860's.
Getting shot at by both sides or for human kindness.






Food Diary.






guacamole, chips, other dips, vegies (carrots, squash, broccoli, zuchinni), one chocolate-covered graham, some goldfish, some fruit salad (canned fruit and bananas), three or four crackers with salmon and cream cheese

and later some guacamole and chips.


three crostinis with garlic and goat cheese
grilled salmon with spinach and potatoes and shrimp
1/2 glass red wine

Today I
- made my dad's snacks at church my breakfast and lunch and had a big dinner before the movies.




Time flies....

I woke up in the new bed. I'm not really comfortable with it yet. It feels too hard and too soft at the same time. And too warm. It makes my hips ache a little. Maybe I'll get used to it. For all that I seem to have slept all right. It's weird sleeping in such a big room with so little furniture. The closet isn't finished and we don't have any furniture moved in so we are lost in this big room with no clothes...they are elsewhere. Strange sensation.

I get up and dress. I showered before bed so I try to make something of my hair. I like the bed head look to a degree. I put on jeans and a nice shirt and sweater and my new Cole Haans with the Nike soles. I chop some vegies and get stuff together for my dad's church snacks. I drive them over to the church, help him set up and watch the games. I teach the word game ladies a new word (ken) and they correct me when I try to make the plural of hex as hexs.

I clean up my stuff and slip out. The cable guys actually come early and hook up the connections. I should then go work out but I don't. My friend comes over who is putting the furniture together and FFP gets her to hang some pictures and it is kind of fun to be 'moving in.' So we discuss how the room will be arranged and things we need.

We decide to see Cold Mountain. This will probably be my last Oscar nomination film unless I decide to see sometihng tomorrow. We go buy tickets at Gateway (carefully going to a theater showing our flick and not showing The Passion of The Christ (why not just Christ?) because of the crowds. After we have tickets we go eat at NXNW. We are way early for the show and we see some people who have just seen it and they are very enthusiastic.

I like Cold Mountain and it's very true to what I remember from the book on tape.

Home, I get in bed and crank up the bed and read my book. The bed is comfortable to read in. Sort of. Still getting used to it.






The Conquerers by Michael Beschloss. (In bed.)


Voices of D-Day. ed. Ronald Drez.

DVD course on WWII.









recumbent bike
ergonomic rower
water aerobics
chest, shoulder, triceps
leg, back, bicep
lower back
ab exercises

Nothing today. Bad.








There is a funny mood that comes over me, moving back into the remodel. I want to leave it pristine and empty, restrict what goes in there and yet it feels cold and uncomfortable that way, echoing sound.


It's a Tangled
Web we weave...these
days of our lives.


One year ago
"FFP runs out to find some after shave. He has kind of a tradition of forgetting something and having to shop for it. Or so he can shop for it, I'm not sure. He reports that the gift shop in the Sofitel next door is pretty great and he is happy with the fragrance he buys.".

Two years ago
"I gossip a little with other employees. I don't know what's happening nor do they. There is plenty of gossip, though."





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