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March 14, 2000







100% chance of rain

Work. About the same. Did get through a few duties.

Lunch at Edge City Cafe. Love that place. Had a high carb lunch of a vegie burger and chips. Tasty.


Walking in the neighborhood in the rapidly rising dusk. It had stopped the rain that satisfied the guarantee without giving much for the plants to drink.

The walk wasn't so boring even though we went along some of our usual haunts. Everything is budding and blooming. Everyone is remodeling. The neighborhood is slated for 'large item pickup.' So we had plants to admire, remodels to comment on and could even critique people's discards. (Lots of lumber. Some bicyle tires. Large boxes. Appliances. Golf bag. A large cardboard box apparently enclosing a coffee table because the legs were sticking out. Too ugly to even have in the yard uncovered until the truck comes?) We came upon a yard with a couple of hundred plastic forks sticking in the yard. Art? Another house had plywood where the door should have been with Home Sweet Home painted on it.

We encountered a couple of German Shephards runing loose. They ignored our entreaties to go home. A guy came out of his house and we asked if he knew them. He didn't but he distracted them to look at their tags and we got away. Chloe wanted to pick a fight.

The poppies are blooming over at the log cabin. The picture is from last year though.

I tried to write the biography. But it is hard to do.

I've been looking at a lot of other journals. It seems that everyone has pictures of cats. Even me. And I don't even have cats.

I have a new gadget. It's a light panel. A little panel with a light that simulates sunlight. Got it to look at my Mom's slides. But you can also use it to add light to a picture. It produces the most amazing bright flicker-free light.

Seen in my mom's old slides: pictures from our wedding, me and my junior high friends playing the Kennedy family for a variety show in 1962. I played JFK. I'm not kidding. Mom took slides from the audience but that aren't good enough to scan and get a full appreciation for it!



"The thirsty earth soaks up the rain,
And drinks, and gapes for drink again.
The plants suck in the earth, and are
With constant drinking fresh and fair.

Abraham Cowley, From Anacreon








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