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April 11, 2000






by the flickering of a cathode tube and racing red lights

Keeping a group of people on track in meetings and making it productive is hard. When I'm thrust into the organizer role, I take it seriuosly. Many of us, when we aren't the organizer, simply show up and do our time.

But I got in a walk. (After a nice dinner of tuna and salad thanks to Forrest.) We went down to 40th and around the park. Doors were open and windows. TVs flashed with evening programs and, in one case, a video game. A wrestler cartoon figure jumped up and down on another one.

We tried out new light alternatives to hopefully make people see us. Zoey and SuRu wore bands with flashing red lights. I didn't think it would last three blocks on Zoey's collar. SuRu wore it as an armband. But both survived the walk. SuRu also wore a new flashing red light on the back of her belt. I wore my old flasher (which seems not to work so well and used the flashlight in the leash. Zoey is so black. Sometimes you just saw the flashing red lights.

It was good to get out and walk but I felt weary afterward and only managed to read a bunch of newspapers and watch some TV like NYPD Blue and The Sopranos. (I don't know...daughter gets into Columbia, dad gets food poisoning and dreams that his cohort is a snitch, takes out a speedbaat and offs him, meanwhile Mom is at the airport with a stolen ticket he gave her, etc. etc. It's not My Three Sons, is it?)







"An American cannot converse, but he can discuss, and his talk falls into a dissertation. He speaks to you as if addressing a meeting,,,,."

Alexis de Toqueville, Democracy in America



the band plays on




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