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June 6, 2000



"This is a sad time for all people. We have suffered a loss that cannot be weighed. For me, it is a deep personal tragedy. I know that the world shares the sorrow that Mrs. Kennedy and her family bear. I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for your help. And God's."

Lyndon Johnson, November 22, 1963, addressing the Nation while Kennedy's body was still aboard Air Force One with words penned by Liz Carpenter


she stuck us in the hot tub...that's why she looks so much better than we do

no getting around this scandal, Liz...and the bed vibrates, too






history lessons

A year ago I was attending solemn ceremonies for D-Day vets at the American cemetary near Omaha Beach.

Tonight I had pizza, wine and hot tub with Liz Carpenter, a woman who has seen her share of history.

"I finished my book," she says. The book is about how to write a speech, a toast or a eulogy. It will be called 'Begin With a Laugh,' I believe she said. Some moments don't allow for a laugh.

When we purchased the 'hot tub with Liz Carpenter' event at a fundraiser for YWCA, a woman at the next table asked about coming with us. The judge was anxious to meet her. So when we scheduled it, Forrest found her number and ask her.

Liz is in good form. She directs us to wine, arranges us at her table so we can see the skyline and eat pizza and salad. And she encourages us to try out the hot tub. She sits beside it and tells her tales. The house is full of pictures of Presidents, First Ladies and even the Queen of England.

The hot tub is off Liz's bedroom. She has a 'magic fingers' (no quarters needed) bed she lets everyone try. (Try to put a spin on that picture with the handsome man in your bed, Liz!) She is ready to settle in for some bedtime reading. She has the latest New Yorker close at hand.

An interesting end to an ordinary workday of writing e-mails and reports broken only by a meal in the courtyard of the Arboretum shopping area, watching the people go by and doing some writing with one of the Nancys. I tried just writing and writing in my notebook, trying to get something going that was profound. It didn't happen.






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